One step closer to finding your purpose

After Church on the first 3 Sundays of the month:

Week 1: Hang for 5-10 min after church getting to know the guide team & enjoy a trail treat

Week 2: Discover the Vision & Mission in around 10-15 min & grab your first expedition gear

Week 3: Grow by learning our core values and how to get involved over a free lunch


So if you’re new or just ready to get more connected come hit the trail. Why? ‘Cuz this is where you’ll get to know the team, meet some folks & learn what its like to be a local at Expedition! 


Don’t worry, you can start any time, you don’t have to wait till week 1! 

Discover Your Purpose:

The Growth Trailhead at Expedition Church is a guide to help you discover and live the ADVENTURE you were born to take. With 3 steps, the Growth Trail invites you to encounter Jesus, establish purpose, get equipped with resources, and empower others through serving.


Plan to meet up at the Growth Trailhead and you'll:


 Encounter the spiritual adventure God has for you —to encounter Jesus.


  Explore the life of Expedition Church and find out how to connect in our community.


  Equip your personality and gifts, then see how they point to your purpose in life and your best fit in the adventure you were born to take.


 Empowered to Connect to the opportunities at Expedition to live out your purpose and use your gifts serving others



Don't miss Growth Trailhead plan your time now

Growth Trailhead TIMES

After Church on the first 3 Sundays of the month for


200 Justice Center rd 

at the Expedition Basecamp

Find Your People

Discover Your Purpose

at Growth Trailhead

   Trying to find your purpose?


   Looking for something different?


   Need a new tribe?

Why hit the Trailhead?

Here's the deal...

We do thing's a little differently around here...

We know it can be a little weird or even awkward trying to join a church, we want to make that easier.


That's why we created Growth Trail.



When you sign up for the Trail we will:


  Make sure we are ready for you


  Have a GOOD  Lunch after church with your Guide Team


  Introduce you to some great people


  Help you get your kids (3yrs+) checked in for an special session of braveKIDS


  Give you a tour of the church


  Share expedition's origin story


  Make sure you get your questions answered



Before you call yourself a local at Expedition, we want to make sure you understand what exactly an expedition local is. We want you to actually take time to get to know us and the community known as expedition church.


Just click on the button below and plan your trip down the Growth Trailhead!

 Wear whatever you want


 Drink some GOOD coffee 


 Meet some great people


 Find your adventure

We don't judge.


We don't care if you have tattoos


We don't care how you dress


We don't care if you have a past


We just want to meet you :)

Pastor Justin and Amber

Hi, my name is Justin.


I believe that you are uniquely wired by God for a specific purpose, and that unless you figure out what that purpose is, you'll never be truly fulfilled.


No one else on earth can fulfill the unique calling that God has for you.


No one else can fulfill your assignment. 


Maybe you know exactly what your purpose is, maybe you've been running from it for a while, or maybe you have absolutely no idea where to even start looking for it...


But I want to help you find it.


Because I believe that the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who actually do...